CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x to CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms migration guide

12 minute read

This migration guide provides instructions on how to migrate your entire CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation over to a new CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms installation.


  • On your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation’s operations center, ensure you have made a note of (and can easily access) all credentials configured globally and for credentials scoped to folders.

  • For each CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise controller (that is, each managed controller, team controller and client controller configured on your existing CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation):

    • Streamline your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise controllers by identify plugins which are no longer being used and uninstall them. This can be achieved by installing/using the Plugin Usage Plugin.

    • ( Optional ) If you need to do so, (re-)organize any current projects and jobs (including those in subfolders) into folders based on distinct criteria, such as specific lines of business or teams within your organization.

  • ( Optional ) Plugins on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x can be installed to CloudBees CI either manually or automatically. To install these plugins automatically, install the jq command line tool on a machine with access to this new CloudBees CI operations center.

Install CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

This migration process requires you to start with a clean CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms installation on appropriate Kubernetes infrastructure.

  1. Install CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms for the appropriate Kubernetes platform, with all the managed controllers, team controllers and client controllers (connected to your CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms instance) which you previously set up and configured on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x.

    CloudBees CI and CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise must be at the same version level.
  2. On your new CloudBees CI installation’s operations center, recreate any folders you had previously configured on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x.

  3. If you are using a Private Docker Registry, create a Kubernetes secret to pull images.

  4. On the operations center and controllers of your new CloudBees CI installation, create Kubernetes shared pod templates and pod templates, respectively, which are equivalent to any agent templates you had previously configured on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x].

    When creating your Kubernetes pod templates, complete as many fields as possible - especially details that match those defined in the equivalent agent templates on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x. Refer to the table below for details on these matching fields.

Migrate key operations center data

This section of the migration guide covers all migration aspects of operations center from your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x instance over to your CloudBees CI instance.

The operations center migration process must be conducted first before the controllers can be migrated.

Migrate credentials

To migrate credentials from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x to CloudBees CI, you can choose the following options:

Migrating credentials via Groovy script

To migrate credentials from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x to CloudBees CI by scripting:

  1. Download the export.groovy script on GitHub.

  2. Run export.groovy in the Script Console on the source instance. It will output an encoded message containing a flattened list of all system and folder credentials. Copy that encoded message.

  3. Download the import.groovy on GitHub.

  4. Paste the encoded message output from the export.groovy script as the value in the encoded variable in the import.groovy script and execute it in the Script Console on the destination Jenkins. All the credentials and domains from the source Jenkins will now be imported to the system store of the destination Jenkins. For example:

//Paste the encoded message from the export.groovy script on the source Jenkins def encoded = [PASTE_ENCODED_MESSAGE_HERE] if (!encoded) { return }

Export credentials via command line

  1. Set up the Jenkins CLI tool for each operations center of your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x and new [CloudBees CI] instances.

  2. Export credentials on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center, in XML format, using the appropriate command/s:

    • For credentials scoped globally, use this command (specifying your actual cje-1-x-url value and port-number if necessary):

      shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cje-1-x-url:port-number/cjoc/ list-credentials-as-xml system::system::jenkins > credentials.xml
    • If you have credentials scoped to a given folder, use this command:

      shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cje-1-x-url:port-number/cjoc/ list-credentials-as-xml folder::item::/full/name/of/folder > credentials-folder-name.xml
      Run this command for every folder to which credentials have been scoped.
  3. Since credentials are exported to these XML files with redacted secrets (to maintain their secrecy and security), locate each instance of <secret-redacted/> throughout all the credentials.xml and/or credentials-folder-name.xml files you exported and replace them with their correct secret values.

  4. Import credentials to your new CloudBees CI operations center, using the appropriate command/s:

    • For credentials scoped globally, use this command (specifying your actual cloudbees-core-url value and port-number if necessary):

      shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/cjoc/ import-credentials-as-xml system::system::jenkins < credentials.xml
    • If you had credentials scoped to a given folder in CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x, use this command for the equivalent folder in CloudBees CI:

      shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/cjoc/ import-credentials-as-xml folder::item::/full/name/of/folder < credentials-folder-name.xml
      Run this command for every equivalent folder (in your CloudBees CI operations center) to which credentials were scoped on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center.

Ensure plugins are harmonized

To harmonize plugins between CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x and CloudBees CI, ensure that the operations center of your new CloudBees CI installation has the same plugins that were installed on the operations center of the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation.

  1. Ensure you are still set up to use the Jenkins CLI tool for each operations center of your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x and new CloudBees CI instances.

  2. Export the list of plugins on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center, in JSON format, using this command (specifying your actual cje-1-x-url value and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cje-1-x-url:port-number/cjoc/ list-plugins-v2 --output json > plugins.json
  3. On your new CloudBees CI operations center, install these plugins either manually or automatically via a command:

    • To install these plugins manually:

      1. Run the same command you did on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x (in the previous step) but on your new CloudBees CI instance instead (specifying your own cloudbees-core-url value and port-number if necessary):

        shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/cjoc/ list-plugins-v2 --output json > plugins-cloud-core.json
      2. Compare the outputs of the plugins.json and plugins-cloud-core.json files, and manually install the required missing plugins on your new CloudBees CI operations center.

    • To install these plugins automatically via a command:

      1. Ensure you have installed the jq command line tool (mentioned in the Prerequisites above).

      2. Force the installation of all plugins installed on the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center (listed in plugins.json), on the new CloudBees CI operations center, with this command:

        for plugin in $(cat plugins.json | jq -r .data[].id); do java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -noKeyAuth -s https://cloudbees-ci-url:port-number/cjoc/ install-plugin ${plugin}; done

Migrating from agent templates to Kubernetes (shared) pod templates

There are two options for migrating from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise agent templates to shared Kubernetes pod templates:

Creating pod templates as YAML

Pods can be created as a YAML-based pipeline template. This process places the pod definitions into your pipeline and centralizes pod templates as code.

For more information, refer to the CloudBees Knowledge Base.

Convert agent templates to Kubernetes (shared) pod templates

The jenkins-agent config map is required when migrating to CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms. See Managing agents—​Kubernetes agents for details about how to use a custom Docker image to create a Kubernetes pod template that uses the jenkins-agent config map.

This is a complex process, which involves the following stages:

Export agent template definitions from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center and controllers
  1. Ensure you are still set up to use the Jenkins CLI tool for the operations center and controllers of your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x instance.

  2. Export the definitions for all agent templates on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x operations center using the following command (specifying your actual cje-1-x-url value and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cje-1-x-url:port-number/cjoc/ agent-template > agent-templates.json
  3. Export the definitions for all agent templates on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x controllers using the following command (specifying your actual cje-1-x-url and master-name values, and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cje-1-x-url:port-number/master-name/ agent-template > agent-templates-master-name.json
    Run this command for every controller (that is, managed controllers and team controllers) on which agent templates have been defined.
    Example of an exported agent template definition file, showing a single agent template definition and all possible properties with sample values.
    { "data": [ { "atm": { "constraints": [], "containerProperties": [ { "key": "volumes-from", "type": "ParameterSpec", "value": "certs" }, { "name": "...", "type": "EnvironmentVariableContainerProperty", "value": "..." }, { "containerPath": "...", "hostPath": "...", "readOnly": true/false, "type": "VolumeSpec", "volumeType": { "hostPath": "...", "type": "BindMount/Volume" } }, { "executable": true/false, "extract": true/false, "type": "URISpec", "value": "uri-value" }, { "forcePull": true/false, "type": "ForcePullContainerProperty" }, { "privilegeMode": true/false, "type": "PrivilegedModeContainerProperty" }, { "containerPort": port-number, "hostPort": port-number, "protocol": "TCP/UDP", "type": "PortMappingSpec" }, { "type": "CustomDockerShellProperty", "value": "/bin/sh -c" } ], "cpus": 0.1, "displayName": "...", "image": ".../...", "jnlpArgs": "", "jvmArgs": "...", "jvmMemory": 1024, "labelString": null, "memory": 2048, "name": "...", "remoteFS": "..." } } ], "version": "1" }
Export Kubernetes (shared) pod template definitions from CloudBees CI operations center and controllers
  1. Ensure you are still set up to use the Jenkins CLI tool for the operations center and controllers of your new CloudBees CI instance.

  2. Export the definitions for all recreated Kubernetes shared pod templates on your CloudBees CI operations center (that is, defined within a Kubernetes cloud configuration) using the following command (specifying your actual cloudbees-core-url value and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/cjoc/ shared-pod-template > shared-pod-templates.json
  3. Export the definitions for all recreated Kubernetes pod templates on your CloudBees CI controllers using the following command (specifying your actual cloudbees-core-url and master-name values, and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/master-name/ pod-template > pod-templates-master-name.json
    Run this command for every controller (that is, managed controllers and team controllers) on which Kubernetes pod templates have been defined.
    Example of an exported Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition file showing a single pod template definition and all possible properties with sample values.
    { "data": [ { "podTemplate": { "label": "documentation", "name": "documentation-packging", "displayName": "Kubernetes Pod Template", "activeDeadlineSeconds": 44, "alwaysPullImage": false, "customWorkspaceVolumeEnabled": true, "args": "cat", "capOnlyOnAlivePods": true, "command": "/bin/sh -c", "idleMinutes": 1, "inheritFrom": "abc", "instanceCap": 2, "namespace": "doc-group", "nodeSelector": "77", "nodeUsageMode": "NORMAL", "privileged": false, "resourceLimitCpu": "1", "resourceLimitMemory": "1024", "resourceRequestCpu": "1", "resourceRequestMemory": "1024", "serviceAccount": "88", "slaveConnectTimeout": 99, "annotations": [ { "key": "var3", "value": "44" } ], "containers": [ { "alwaysPullImage": false, "args": "cat", "command": "/bin/sh -c", "envVars": [ { "type": "KeyValueEnvVar", "key": "env", "value": "22" }, { "type": "SecretEnvVar", "key": "secret_env", "secretKey": "YeahYeah", "secretName": "" } ], "image": "java", "livenessProbe": { "execArgs": "inode", "failureThreshold": 16, "initialDelaySeconds": 10, "periodSeconds": 17, "successThreshold": 0, "timeoutSeconds": 15 }, "name": "java", "ports": [ { "containerPort": 6789, "hostPort": 9876, "name": "port6789" } ], "privileged": false, "resourceLimitCpu": "1", "resourceLimitMemory": "1024", "resourceRequestCpu": "1", "resourceRequestMemory": "1024", "shell": null, "ttyEnabled": true, "workingDir": "/home/jenkins" } ], "envVars": [ { "key": "VAR1", "type": "KeyValueEnvVar", "value": "42" }, { "key": "VAR2", "secretKey": "", "secretName": "derek-secret", "type": "SecretEnvVar" } ], "imagePullSecrets": [ { "name": "" } ], "volume": { "memory": true, "type": "EmptyDirWorkspaceVolume" }, "volumes": [ { "hostPath": "/extra/workspace", "mountPath": "/workspace", "type": "HostPathVolume" } ], "yaml": "apiVersion: v1\nkind: Pod\nspec:" } } ], "version": "1" }
Ensure your Kubernetes (shared) pod template definitions match their equivalent agent template definitions

If necessary, modify your shared-pod-templates.json and pod-templates-master-name.json files with the correct details from their equivalent/respective agent-templates.json and agent-templates-master-name.json files.

CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x
agent template
CloudBees CI
Kubernetes (shared) pod template






Display Name




To ensure any instances of node('agent-name') blocks in Scripted Pipelines continue to function, the name values of your Kubernetes (shared) pod templates and their equivalent agent templates (from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x) must match.

Furthermore, the Kubernetes (shared) pod template’s first container template’s name must be jnlp.



Use when no label is specified




Configure the Defaults Provider Template Name value of the Kubernetes shared cloud configuration (not a Kubernetes pod template definition) to have the same name value of the agent template from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x.

Enable this agent template




No equivalent on CloudBees CI.

CPU Shares


Containers  Container Template  Advanced  Request CPU
Limit CPU

resourceLimitCpu, respectively

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, specify both of these values in the container template as 1.

Memory (MB)


Containers  Container Template  Advanced  Request Memory
Limit Memory

resourceLimitMemory, respectively

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make these values the same as memory in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Note that Kubernetes supports numerous methods for specifying memory. The unit "M" in Kubernetes, indicates the decimal mega (e.g., 10002), whereas the unit "Mi", indicates mibi (e.g., 10242). Mesos' "MB/GB" units map to Kubernetes' "Mi/Gi" units, respectively.

JVM Memory (MB)


Containers  Container Template  EnvVars  Key

"envVars": [
"type": "KeyValueEnvVar"
"key": "JAVA_OPTS"
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make the value of value (e.g. using the -Xmx option) the same as jvmMemory in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

JVM Arguments


Containers  Container Template  EnvVars  Key

"envVars": [
"type": "KeyValueEnvVar"
"key": "JAVA_OPTS"
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make the value of value the same as jvmArgs in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

If you specified the JVM Memory (MB)/jvmMemory value in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition, incorporate this value into this single JAVA_OPTS value with the -Xmx option.

JNLP Arguments


Containers  Container Template  EnvVars  Key

"envVars": [
"type": "KeyValueEnvVar"
"key": "JAVA_OPTS"
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make the value of value the same as jnlpArgs in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

If you specified the JVM Memory (MB)/jvmMemory and/or JVM Arguments/jvmArgs value in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition, incorporate this value into this single JAVA_OPTS value.

Remote root directory


Containers  Container Template  Working directory


In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make this value the same as it was in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.



Containers  Container Template  Docker image


In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make this value the same as remoteFS in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Also, the Kubernetes (shared) pod template’s first container template’s name must be jnlp.

Options  Force Pull Image


Containers  Container Template  Always pull image

"containers": [
"alwaysPullImage": …​,
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make this value the same as forcePull in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Options  Additional URI  Value,

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "URISpec",
"value": "uri-value"
"executable": …​,
"extract": …​,
}, …​
], …​



No equivalent on CloudBees CI.

If you want to specify the URL for a private registry containing relevant images, read more about configuring secrets for a Kubernetes environment in the relevant Kubernetes documentation, and add specify the Kubernetes pod template’s ImagePullSecrets  Name value.

"imagePullSecrets": [
"name": "uri-value"
], …​

Options  Environment Variable  Name

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "EnvironmentVariable\
"name": "…​"
"value": …​,
}, …​
], …​

Containers  Container Template  EnvVars  Key

"envVars": [
"type": "KeyValueEnvVar"
"key": "JAVA_OPTS"
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​
"envVars": [
"type": "SecretEnvVar",
"key": "…​",
"secretKey": "..",
"secretName": "…​"
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, use the equivalent values utilized in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Options  Launch in privileged mode


Containers  Container Template  Advanced  Run in privileged mode

"containers": [
{ …​
"privileged": …​,
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make this value the same as privileged in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Options  Parameter  Key

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "ParameterSpec",
"key": "…​",
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​



No equivalent on CloudBees CI.

It is not possible to supply additional parameters when launching Docker in a Kubernetes environment.

Options  Port Mapping  Host Port,
Container Port

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "PortMappingSpec"
"hostPort": …​,
"containerPort": …​,
"protocol": "TCP/UDP",
}, …​
], …​

Containers  Container Template  Advanced  PortMappings  Name,

"ports": [ …​
"name": "…​"
"containerPort": …​,
"hostPort": …​,
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, use the equivalent values utilized in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Note that each port mapping configuration in your CloudBees CI Kubernetes (shared) pod template definitions can be named.

Options  Use custom Docker shell command  Custom shell command

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "CustomDockerShellProperty",
"value": "…​"
}, …​
], …​

Containers  Container Template  Command to run


In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, make this value the same as this Custom shell command/value field in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Options  User  Docker user




No equivalent on CloudBees CI.

It is not possible to specify a User ID with which to run a container in a Kubernetes environment.

Options  Volume  Volume Type,
Host Path,
Container Path,
and Read-only

"containerProperties": [ …​
"type": "VolumeSpec",
"volumeType": {
"hostPath": "…​",
"type": "BindMount/Volume"
"containerPath": "…​",
"hostPath": "…​",
"readOnly": …​
}, …​
], …​

Volumes  Host Path Volume  Host path
Mount path

"volumes": [ …​
"type": "HostPathVolume"
"hostPath": "…​",
"mountPath": "…​",
}, …​
], …​

In the Kubernetes (shared) pod template definition, use the equivalent values utilized in the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x agent template definition.

Import your updated Kubernetes (shared) pod template definitions to CloudBees CI operations center and controllers
  1. Ensure you are still set up to use the Jenkins CLI tool for the operations center and controllers of your new CloudBees CI instance.

  2. Import the updated definitions for all recreated Kubernetes shared pod templates on your CloudBees CI operations center (that is, defined within a Kubernetes cloud configuration) using the following command (specifying your actual cloudbees-core-url value and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/cjoc/ shared-pod-template --update < shared-pod-templates.json
  3. Import the updated definitions for all recreated Kubernetes pod templates on your CloudBees CI controllers using the following command (specifying your actual cloudbees-core-url and master-name values, and port-number if necessary):

    shell% java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://cloudbees-core-url:port-number/master-name/ pod-template --update < pod-templates-master-name.json
    Run this command for every controller (that is, managed controllers and team controllers) on which Kubernetes pod templates have been defined.

Migrate controllers

Migrating controllers (managed controllers and team controllers) from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x to your new CloudBees CI installation involves backing up your controllers on your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation and restoring them to the new controllers you created as part of setting up your new CloudBees CI installation.

The operations center migration process must be conducted first before the controllers can be migrated. Additionally, all Webhooks MUST be Recreated After the Backup is Restored.
  1. Ensure you are still set up to use the Jenkins CLI tool for the controllers of your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation and new CloudBees CI installation.

  2. Configure the CloudBees CI controllers to start in quiet mode. Start new instance in Quiet Mode.

    1. the quiet-down.groovy script referenced in this article can be found on GitHub.

  3. On your CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x installation back up each controller.

    • Do this through the New Item  Backup and Restore (project)  Build  Take backup on your CJE 1.x controller.

    • When configuring the Take Backup section of this project, select What to back up?  System configuration and specify the following items in the Excludes list:

      • monitoring/

      • caches/

      • operations-center-cloud*

      • operations-center-client*

      • plugins/operations-center-analytics-config*

      • plugins/operations-center-analytics-config/

      • plugins/operations-center-analytics-reporter*

      • plugins/operations-center-analytics-reporter/

      • plugins/palace-cloud*

      • plugins/palace-cloud/

      • plugins/tiger-tenant*

      • plugins/tiger-tenant/

      • jobs/shared-items*

    • A comma separated version of this list that can be useful for automation can be found on GitHub.

  4. On your new CloudBees CI installation, for each respective new controller, restore each controller from the backup taken from CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x.

Modifying pipelines that mount Docker sockets

Most CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise 1.x pipelines will run on CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms; however, pipelines that mount Docker sockets must be modified.

CloudBees recommends using tools such as Kaniko or Buildah to build Docker images in pipelines.

If the Docker socket was used to build Docker images, you can use Kaniko (recommended approach) or the Maven or Gradle plugins to build Docker images. When building a Docker image with Kaniko, you have a pod with 2 containers:

  • The jnlp container, running the Jenkins agent.

  • The kaniko container, doing the actual image build.

By default any command runs inside the jnlp container and the container keyword is used to switch to another container during the pipeline execution. For more information, see Using Kaniko with CloudBees CI.

If the Docker socket was used to launch containers for testing tools like MySQL and Selenium, use a pod-based multi-container in the pipeline. To replace launching containers with a pod-based multi-container, users need to replace the imperative syntax to create and destroy the container with a declarative approach to adding containers in the pod definition. See Building custom Docker images in CloudBees CI below.

Building custom Docker images in CloudBees CI

To use a pod-based multi-container, replace the imperative syntax to create and destroy the container with a declarative approach to adding containers in the pod definition. The following approach will use Docker in Docker (DinD) by creating a new Pod Template and including the required Container Template.

Prerequisites for building custom Docker images in CloudBees CI

There are some risks from using DinD and the “Docker socket” for building containers on CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms. These risks include:

  • Resources launched outside of the Kubernetes scheduler’s oversight are not properly accounted for and may lead to resource over-utilization.

  • Resources launched by DinD will not be cleaned up by the Kubernetes scheduler and may consume CPU and memory resources until the instances are removed.

  • Exposing the docker.sock to processes effectively grants host root access to the container processes.

To use DinD by creating a new Pod Template and including the required Container Template:
  1. Access the operations center Center main page.

  2. Select the All tab to see all views.

  3. Open the Kubernetes shared cloud configuration page.

  4. Select Add Pod Template and complete the following fields:

    • Name: pod-dind

    • Labels: pod-dind

    • Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching the node

  5. Select Add Container.

  6. Select one of the Docker DinD images.

  7. Complete the following fields:

    • Name: dind

    • Docker image: docker:18.06.1-ce-dind

    • Working directory: /home/jenkins

    • Allocate pseudo-TTY: checked

    • Run in privileged mode: checked

  8. Select Save.

Afterward, test the Pod Template by creating a new Pipeline job using the following code:

podTemplate(){ node('pod-dind') { container('dind') { stage('Build My Docker Image') { sh 'docker info' sh 'touch Dockerfile' sh 'echo "FROM centos:7" > Dockerfile' sh "cat Dockerfile" sh "docker -v" sh "docker info" sh "docker build -t my-centos:1 ." } } } }

And you should get the following output:

[Pipeline] node Agent pod-dind-xwhnz is provisioned from template Kubernetes Pod Template Agent specification [Kubernetes Pod Template] (pod-dind): * [dind] docker:18.06.1-ce-dind(resourceRequestCpu: , resourceRequestMemory: , resourceLimitCpu: , resourceLimitMemory: ) Running on pod-dind-xwhnz in /home/jenkins/workspace/dind-test ... [Pipeline] sh [dind-test] Running shell script + docker info Containers: 0 Running: 0 Paused: 0 Stopped: 0 Images: 0 Server Version: 18.06.1-ce ... [Pipeline] sh [dind-test] Running shell script + docker build -t my-centos:1 . Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB Step 1/1 : FROM centos:7 7: Pulling from library/centos aeb7866da422: Pulling fs layer aeb7866da422: Verifying Checksum aeb7866da422: Download complete aeb7866da422: Pull complete Digest: sha256:67dad89757a55bfdfabec8abd0e22f8c7c12a1856514726470228063ed86593b Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:7 ---> 75835a67d134 Successfully built 75835a67d134 Successfully tagged my-centos:1 [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // container [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // podTemplate [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: SUCCESS